Elementary K-5th Grade 

RCA’s elementary program is designed to prepare students for lifelong learning by building a strong academic base while fostering spiritual and social growth in a loving environment. A carefully aligned academic curriculum, developmentally appropriate enrichment activities, and talented teachers create an environment where children thrive in spirit as they grow in knowledge.

Through learning centers, hands-on manipulatives, gardens, libraries, science labs, gymnasiums, and technology labs our experienced teachers cultivate a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. 

Your elementary student will: Be known and cared for by our teachers and staff.

Cultivate key skills such as creativity, communication, problem solving, and collaboration

Explore science and technology with hands-on projects.

Develop language and literacy skills

Explore the fine arts through weekly music and art classes

Learn and study about other cultures

Have fun and play in our gym and on our playground

Enjoy enrichment opportunities such as field trips, extra-curricular activities, and much more

We are convinced that above all else children should know and understand God’s love at an early age. We teach students to delight in God’s Word and his Truth. Daily, the children will pray and enjoy a Bible lesson. Weekly, the children will attend chapel – one especially geared for elementary-aged children. 

Experiential Learning is at the heart of Restoration Academy

A typical learning cycle consists of four stages: action, reflection, conceptualization, and application. The experience, or action, serves to anchor students in a common context that they can then reflect on together. During or after the reflection phase, the teacher helps students identify and name their observations as specific knowledge or skills. In the last phase, students apply what they have learned to new contexts.

Experiential activities, which are inspired by real-world problems and require significant collaboration, are important because they represent a particularly authentic form of learning. They also ensure that students—not the teacher—do the intellectual heavy-lifting of extracting meaning from experience. 

Before and After School Care (for an additional fee)